Page 126 - 2021_Off_Road_Issue_2
P. 126

CHAIN MONKEY                        LASER MONKEY                        TUNGSTEN PREMIUM CHAIN WAX

        Chain Monkey is the world’s first tool designed   Laser Monkey by Tru-Tension is an innovative
        to help you set the tension on your motor-  laser alignment tool designed to ensure
        cycle’s drive chain. The task of tensioning a   precise and quick setting of the drive wheel on   Designed for off road/ MX, high mileage and
        chain can be a tedious and time consuming   a motorcycle. Ensuring your wheel is aligned   commuting bikes. Tungsten is a supremely slippery
        task, especially on motorcycles. But not   accurately now couldn’t be simpler!  compound which reduces friction. World first
        anymore.                                                                Tungsten formulation for superior performance
                                            The unique Laser Monkey design uses the   Dual viscosity formulation for immediate penetration
        By using Chain Monkey, anyone can set their   sprocket or pulley of the motorcycle to send   and hard setting. Higher temperature range to
        chain tension quickly, easily and with minimal   a laser directly down the centre of the chain/  significantly reduce fling. Wax based formulation
        knowledge required. From new riders through   belt, ensuring fast and easy wheel alignment.   and a fresh banana fragrance
        to experienced mechanics.           Precise alignment of the wheel ensures   Order Code: TRU026
                                            prolonged life of moving components to save
        Order Code      Description         you money, coupled with improved handling
        TRU001           Single Unit        characteristics and optimised power delivery.
        TRUBOM04     Pack of 5 Units        Simply adjust the rear wheel until the laser is
                                 with countertop display     aligned with the centre of the front sprocket
                                            and your wheel will be aligned with precision.

                                            Order Code: TRU018

        PREMIUM DETAILER                    SNOW FOAM 1 litre                   TUNGSTEN PREMIUM DRY CHAIN
                                            A thick foam specifically designed for motorcycles. LUBE 500ml
        Designed specifically for motorcycle paintwork and
        plastics. Water based quick detailer providing a deep   Designed for use with pressure washer lances.
        colour and shine. Non-streaking formulation.   Banana infused fragrance. Loosens off road dirt   Tungsten is a supremely slippery compound which
        The perfect finishing quick detailer to set your bike off  and road grime safely. Wax friendly and suitable   reduces friction. World first Tungsten formulation for
        Protects and reduces future dirt build up  for regular use              premium performance. Dual viscosity formulation
                                                                                for immediate penetration and hard setting.
        Order Code: TRU025                  Order Code: TRU028                  Higher temperature range to significantly reduce fling
                                                                                Transparent so no mess & a fresh banana fragrance

                                                                                Order Code: TRU027


                            -  Tel: +44 (0) 2380 658700
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