Page 122 - 2021_Off_Road_Issue_2
P. 122

CHAIN & BRAKE CLEANER               CHAIN LUBE                          CHAIN LUBE WHITE

        Specially developed cleaner with selected   Fully synthetic chain grease. Extremely adhesive   White, full synthetic special grease. For optimal
        solvent combinations for fast, easy cleaning   and water resistant. Excellent creeping and   lubrication through visible application on the
        and degreasing structural parts in the two-wheel   lubrication behavior. Especially suitable for   chain. Cold, heat and spray resistant. Reduces
        sector.                             high-speed chains. Reduces chain elongation   chain elongation and extends the service life of
                                            and provides long chain service life. Optimal   the chain. The 50ml can can be refilled with
        Intended use.                       effectiveness only with unmixed use.  the 400ml can.
        For cleaning chains with and without O/X-rings
        on two-wheeled vehicles and quads.  Intended use.                       Intended use.
                                            Initial and maintenance lubrication of power   For cleaning chains with and without O/X-rings
        Order Code      Description         train chains. For highly-stressed and high-speed   on two-wheeled vehicles and quads.
        LQM1602         500ml               chains with and without O-rings.
                                            Order Code      Description         Order Code      Description
                                            LQM1508         250ml               LQM1592         50ml
                                                                                LQM1591         400ml

        FOAM FILTER OIL                     FOAM FILTER SPRAY                   FOAM FILTER CLEANER

        Special oil for wetting foam air filters. Thanks   Specially developed aerosol for wetting foam   Specially formulated water-miscible air filter cleaning
        to the outstanding adhesive properties of the   and fabric air filters. Guarantees an optimum   concentrate. Offers outstanding cleaning properties,
        liquid, sand and dust are reliably trapped in the   air flow and thereby maximum engine performance.  has high capacity and is economical to use. Gently
        filter, preventing greater wear on the engine.                          detaches dust, oil and grease without damaging the
        Water-repellent effect. Does not resinify or foam.  Intended use.       foam pores. Solvent-free and biodegradable.
                                            Suitable for use on all two-stroke and four-stroke
        Intended use.                       motorbikes with air or water-cooled engines   Intended use.
        Suitable for use on all two-stroke and four-stroke   using foam air filters.  Suitable for all standard foam air filters in 2 and
        motorbikes using foam air filters.                                      4-wheel vehicles. 1L bottle will make 6L to 11L
                                            Order Code      Description
        Order Code      Description         LQM1604         400ml               Order Code      Description
        LQM1625         500ml                                                   LQM1299         1L
        LQM3096         1L


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