Page 123 - 2021_Off_Road_Issue_2
P. 123

BRAKE FLUID RACE - DOT 4              BRAKE FLUID - DOT 4                LM48 - INSTALLATION PASTE

       Synthetic brake fluid for extreme operating   Synthetic brake fluid based on glycol ethers,   High-performance tungsten disulfide paste for
       conditions. It contains inhibitors to prevent the   alkyl poly glycols and glycol ether esters.   heavy-duty applications.Rubbed into bearings
       corrosion of metallic brake components and to   It contains inhibitors to prevent the corrosion   and slide guides, prevents running-in damage
       reduce oxidation at increased temperatures.   of metallic brake components and to reduce   and seizing marks when pressing in pins and
       The brake fluid has an excellent wet and dry   oxidation at increased temperatures. The brake  bearing bushes and mounting plain bearing
       boiling point, thus ensuring safe braking even   fluid has a high wet and dry boiling point.   rings. For basic lubrication and lifetime lubrication
       after the absorption of some moisture over an   Special moisture scavengers help to prevent   of joints and small components. Contains a
       extended period of use. Special additives prevent   against the formation of steam bubbles.  synergistically active solid lubricant system
       the premature build-up of vapor bubbles.                                 with a zinc sulfide, graphite, fluorides and
                                             Intended use.                      tungsten disulfide base. Operating
       Specifications and approvals.         Ideally suited to use with all disk and drum   temperature range: -35 °C to +450 °C
       FMVSS 116 DOT 4 ; ISO 4925 Class 4 ; SAE J   brake systems, The brake fluid is also ideally
       1703 ; SAE J 1704                     suited to use in ABS brake systems.  Intended use.
                                                                                For assembly, repair and maintenance.
       Order Code      Description           Order Code      Description
       LQM3679         250ml                 LQM3091         250ml              Order Code      Description
                                             LQM3093         500ml              LQM3010         50g

        BRAKE FLUID - DOT 4                 BRAKE FLUID DOT 5.1                 LM47 - LONG-LIFE GREASE + MOS2

        Synthetic brake fluid based on glycol ethers,   Synthetic brake fluid based on glycol ethers,   High-grade special grease. The MoS2 content
        alkyl poly glycols and glycol ether esters.   alkyl poly glycols and glycol ether esters.   provides the selected base grease with
        It contains inhibitors to prevent the corrosion   It contains inhibitors to prevent the corrosion   outstanding lubricity and high-performance
        of metallic brake components and to reduce   of metallic brake components and to reduce   properties that normal grease simply does not
        oxidation at increased temperatures. The brake   oxidation at increased temperatures. The brake   have. During operation, a permanently adhering,
        fluid has a high wet and dry boiling point.   fluid has a high wet and dry boiling point.   ultra-thin molybdenum disulfide film forms at
        Special moisture scavengers help to prevent   Special moisture scavengers help to prevent   the sliding surfaces. This film retains its lubrication
        against the formation of steam bubbles.  against the formation of steam bubbles.  properties for a long time even after the grease
                                                                                supply completely fails. Operating
        Intended use.                       Specifications and approvals.       temperature range: -35 °C to +450 °C
        Ideally suited to use with all disk and drum   FMVSS 116 DOT 5.1 ; FMVSS 116 DOT 4 ;
        brake systems, The brake fluid is also ideally   FMVSS 116 DOT 3 ; ISO 4925 Class 5 ; ISO   Intended use.
        suited to use in ABS brake systems.  4925 Class 4 ; ISO 4925 Class 3 ; SAE J 1704   For assembly, repair and maintenance.
                                            ; SAE J 1703
        Order Code      Description                                             Order Code      Description
        LQM3085         500ml               Order Code      Description         LQM3510         50g
                                            LQM3092         250ml

                                                                                                                  123  -  Tel: +44 (0) 2380 658700  -  Tel: +44 (0) 2380 658700
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