Page 121 - 2021_Off_Road_Issue_2
P. 121


        Full synthetic fork oil and shock-absorber   Has been developed for universal use.   Fully synthetic shock absorber oil. Prevents
        oil. Reduces shear losses and provides sure   Special synthetic base oils and corresponding   the build-up of deposits and reduces friction
        handling performance even after long use.   additives guarantee optimum drivability and   and wear. Suppresses foaming even under the
        Prevents foam formation and seal hardening.   damping.                  toughest operating conditions.
        Good corrosion and wear protection provide
        long service life.                  Intended use                        Intended use.
                                            Can be used universally in telescopic forks,   Universal use in shock absorbers on motorbikes,
        Intended use                        shock absorbers in motorcycles, motor bicycles,   mopeds, motor-assisted bicycles and other
        Can be used universally in telescopic forks,   mopeds and other two-wheeled vehicles.  two-wheelers in the racing sector.
        shock absorbers in motorcycles, motor bicycles,
        mopeds and other two-wheeled vehicles.                                  Order Code      Description
        Order Code      Description         Order Code      Description         LQM20972       1L
        LQM1523         500ml               LQM3099         500ml               LQM20973       20L
        LQM2716         1L                  LQM2719         1L
        LQM1623         5L                  LQM3017         20L
        LQM3016         20L

        FORK OIL 10W MEDIUM                 FORK OIL 15W HEAVY                  SHOCK OIL -  MINERAL

        Full synthetic fork oil and shock-absorber   Full synthetic fork oil and shock-absorber   Mineral shock absorber oil. Prevents the build-
        oil. Reduces shear losses and provides sure   oil. Reduces shear losses and provides sure   up of deposits and reduces friction and wear.
        handling performance even after long use.   handling performance even after long use.   Suppresses foaming even under the toughest
        Prevents foam formation and seal hardening.   Prevents foam formation and seal hardening.   operating conditions.
        Good corrosion and wear protection provide   Good corrosion and wear protection provide
        long service life.                  long service life.                  Intended use.
                                                                                Universal use in shock absorbers on motorbikes,
        Intended use                        Intended use                        mopeds, motor-assisted bicycles and other
        Can be used universally in telescopic forks,   Can be used universally in telescopic forks,   two-wheelers in the racing sector.
        shock absorbers in motorcycles, motor bicycles,   shock absorbers in motorcycles, motor bicycles,
        mopeds and other two-wheeled vehicles.  mopeds and other two-wheeled vehicles.  Order Code      Description
                                                                                LQM20960       1L
        Order Code      Description         Order Code      Description
        LQM1506         500ml               LQM1524         500ml               LQM20961       20L
        LQM2715         1L                  LQM2717         1L
        LQM1606         5L
        LQM3828         20L

                                                                                                                  121  -  Tel: +44 (0) 2380 658700  -  Tel: +44 (0) 2380 658700
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