Page 130 - 2021_Off_Road_Issue_2
P. 130  -  Tel: +44 (0) 2380 658700

          Pro Clean                          Pro CARE                            Pro filter CLEANER

        Pro Clean Bike Wash is a unique blend of fully   Pro Clean Pro Care is liquid protection for your   Pro-filter is another favorite and one of our
        biodegradable chemicals and detergents designed   motorcycle. Pro Care uses a blend of lubricants   best sellers. Pro-Filter is designed to remove
        to clean every part of the exterior of your motorcycle.   and low evaporation penetrating oils which are   dirt and tacky oil from all types of foam air filters.
        The intelligent chemical formulation releases   designed to disperse moisture from places   Simply immerse the dirty filter in the solution
        the correct level of cleaning agents to ensure   where rust and corrosion may occur leaving a   and squeeze gently to remove the tacky oil,
        perfect results every time, whether on a mud   protective layer on all the exterior components.   then wash the filter in a bucket of warm water
        covered off road bike or the precious metal and   Using Pro Clean Pro Care after washing your   with a splash of Pro-Clean to remove any
        carbon fibre components used on road & race   motorcycle will leave a defensive shield that not   remaining dirt or dust, finally dry thoroughly
        machinery. Pro Clean contains no harmful   only works as a corrosion inhibitor but also helps  before reusing the filter.
        ingredients and is environmentally friendly.   prevent dirt adhesion. Must not be used on
        Green in more ways than one!        braking surfaces.
                                                                               Order Code      Description
                                                                               PCNPFT1        1 Litre
        Order Code      Description         Order Code      Description        PCNPFT5        5 Litre
        PCNPCL1        1 Litre              PCNPCR1       1 Litre
        PCNPCL5        5 Litre              PCNPCR5       5 Litre
        PCNPCL25      25 Litre              PCNPCR25     25 Litre

          Pro TECTION                        DE GREASER                          pro filter cleaning kit

        Pro Clean Pro-Tection is a completely unique   Pro Clean De Greaser is a specially balanced   Filter kit includes everything you need to clean
        and revolutionary water based corrosion inhibitor.   and blended formulation, which supplies a powerful,   and prepare foam air filters. Kit contains: 5 ltr Pro
        Pro-Tection can be sprayed safely over any surface,   deep penetrating action perfectly designed to   Filter cleaner, dirt catching tray, filter prep bucket,
        and once dry, leaves a micro – thin transparent   remove grease and oil build up on chains,   heavy duty nitrile gloves all contained in a 20 ltr
        resistant coating on the treated surface. This   sprockets, spindles, engines etc. Heavily soiled   cleaning bucket.
        coating protects against road salt, rust and the   components can be immersed in the Pro Clean
        corrosive attacks that the elements can produce.   De Greaser fluid and left until grunge and grime  Foam filter cleaning kit.
        Pro Clean Pro-Tection DOES NOT affect brake   are completely removed.
        discs or other brake components, contains no
        harmful chemicals and is environmentally friendly.  Order Code      Description  Order Code: PCNFK1
                                            PCNDGR1       1 Litre
        Order Code      Description         PCNDGR5       5 Litre
        PCNPTN1        1 Litre              PCNDGR25     25 Litre
        PCNPTN5        5 Litre

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