Page 131 - 2021_Off_Road_Issue_2
P. 131 - Tel: +44 (0) 2380 658700
This high performance chain lube is a scientifically This high performance chain lube is a scientifically Aerosol De Greaser is a fast acting quick drying
developed lubricant designed for all open chains. designed for all Open chains as well as O and X ring cleaner/degreaser specially designed for the fast
The formulation of the lubricant allows for the plus the latest Z ring chains.The formulation of the and easy removal of grease and oil deposits on
penetration of the inner roller area and prevents lubricant allows for the penetration of the inner discs, chains, sprockets, engines etc, when the
throw-off at high speed. Clear polymer chain lube roller area and prevents throw-off at high speed. need to remove grease is immediate. Aerosol
protects against corrosion, reduces power loss Clear polymer chain lube protects against corrosion, degreaser is completely safe on discs and all braking
and is proven to prolong chain and sprocket life. reduces power loss and is proven to prolong chain components, leaves no residue and dries instantly.
and sprocket life.
Clear Polymer Chain Lube. High power cleaner de greaser.
High power chain lube.
Order Code Description Order Code Description
PCNCLA400 Aerosol, 400ml Order Code Description PCNDGA400 Aerosol, 400ml
PCNCLA400B Aerosol, 400ml
Pro Clean air filter oil is a lubricant uniquely 500ml aerosol spray. Strong solvent dissolves Pro Clean Brake Cleaner removes the build up
formulated for maintaining foam air filters. & removes dirt quickly. Powerful jet spray to of brake pad and lining dust, brake fluid, grease
Prevents dirt, dust and water from entering and support cleaning action. Cleans carburettor & and dirt from all parts of your braking system.
clogging the intake prolonging engine life. intake system without disassembly. Dissolves The powerful formula cuts through brake grime
Enhances efficiency of air filter resulting in gum, lacquer & deposits. Use in the air intake to ensure you get maximum braking performance.
increased performance. system of injection & carburettor petrol engines.
Suitable for visible carburettor parts. Order Code Description
Order Code Description PCN500PROCLEBC 500ml
PCNAF400 Aerosol, 400ml Order Code Description PCNPBC5L 5L
PCN500PROCLECC Aerosol, 500ml