Page 132 - 2021_Off_Road_Issue_2
P. 132  -  Tel: +44 (0) 2380 658700

          Pro Clean RACE PACK                                                    DECAL ADHESIVE REMOVER

        The Pro Clean race pack is bigger and better than ever before, but keeps it affordable price.   Pro-clean decal adhesive remover 1L is
        Perfect for these who are new to the Pro Clean range, or a great gift to anyone who already uses   designed to remove the tacky residue left on
        the products. Kit contains 1ltr Pro Clean, 1ltr Pro Tection, 500ml Kit Wash, .250ml Tyre Lube,   surfaces after the removal of decals,
        500ml Hand Scrub, Big Handful Sponge, Brush, Chamois.                   graphics, stickers etc. This product will not
                                                                                harm paint or plastic and is safe to use on
        Order Code: PCNRP1MX                                                    most surfaces.
                                                                                Order Code      Description
                                                                                PCNPPD1       1L

          RADIATOR COOLANT PRO                SILCONE BIKE SHINE                 PRO CLEAN GT40

        A high performance coolant developed for all   Proclean silicone bike shine is the latest   Aerosol 400ml heavy duty maintenance spray
        types of motorcycles (including road, off road   addition to the Proclean range. This product is   is designed to displace and repel moisture
        & quads/ATV). Advanced additives ensure   specially formulated to clean, freshen and   from moving parts and electrical apparatus.
        maximum internal component protection and   restore metals, paintwork, plastics, leather, &   Helps protect against rust and corrosion,
        superior resistance to freezing & corrosion.  vinyl leaving a pleasant aroma and a dirt free   lubricates and releases seized metal
        Coolant pro provides compatibility for gaskets,   finish. It also prevents a build up of static and   components.
        hoses & connections, minimizing wear and tear.  leaves a clean slippery surface with a glossy
                                            appearance.                         Order Code           Description
        Order Code           Description                                        PCNGT400           Aerosol, 400ml
        SFCOOL1             1L              Order Code     Description
        SFCOOL5            5L               PCNPCPS       Aerosol, 400ml

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