Page 135 - 2021_Off_Road_Issue_2
P. 135  -  Tel: +44 (0) 2380 658700  -  Tel: +44 (0) 2380 658700

          GRIP LOCK                           SUPER POLISH                       HAND SCRUB

        Using Grip Lock couldn’t be easier. Simply   Super Polish is a rich non abrasive silicone free   Pro Clean Hand Scrub is specially formulated
        hold the can approximately 50mm from the   polish designed to work on all surfaces including   to clean your hands after working either in the
        neck of the grip and apply one short burst, slide   plastic, paintwork and aluminium leaving a superb   workshop or at the racetrack. Containing Polymer
        the grip onto bars and adjust into position. The   gloss finish. Simply apply to a small area at a   beads and sanitizes its perfect for removing dirt
        grip is locked in just a few minutes making the   time with a dry lint free cloth and buff to brilliant   and grime and also includes moisturizers to leave
        task of changing grips not only clean, but easy.  shine.                your hands protected.
        Order Code         Description      Order Code     Description          Order Code      Description
        PCNGLA070     70 ml                 PCNSP500     500ml                  PCNHS500      500ml

          PRO PAINT GREY PRIMER               PRO PAINT VHT                      KIT WASH

        Pro Clean pro paint professional, provides high   Pro Clean pro paint professional, provides high   Kit Wash is a formulation based on Pro-Clean
        quality and professional spray paints supplied   quality and professional spray paints supplied   but with low foam and material friendly additives
        in CFC free aerosol cans. Using a 360-degree   in CFC free aerosol cans. (VHT, specifically   to make it the ideal solution for race kit washing.
        nozzle helps to ensure regular spray.  designed for exhaust use).       Complete with a measuring cap just pour a couple
                                                                                of shots directly into the washing machine drum,
        Order Code         Description      Order Code           Description    add fabric conditioner as you would for a normal
        PCNPPGP500     500ml                PCNPPVHT500     500ml               cycle and wash at 30 degrees.
                                                                                Order Code     Description
                                                                                PCNKW500    500ml

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