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EXCLUSIVE IN MOTOGP                                                        WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP

        SPEED SHOOTER                       4T SHOOTER                          ENGINE FLUSH shooter

        (for increased performance). Increases   (for improved economy). Fuel system cleaner  (for enhanced engine life). Oil circuit fl ush
        acceleration Improves engine performance.   Optimises engine performance. Improves   and clean. Restores engine performance.
        Promotes optimum combustion. Residue-free   fuel economy. Reduces emissions. Corrosion   Thorough engine cleansing. Promotes longer
        combustion. For 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines.   protection. Suitable for carb and fuel injected   engine life. Will not harm seals or gaskets. Safe
        One 80ml Shooter is suffi cient for 10L of fuel.   engines. For 4-stroke engines. One 80ml   for catalytic converters. For 4-stroke engines.
        Recommended use at every refuelling.  Shooter is suffi cient for 5-10L of fuel  Use between oil changes.
                                            Recommended use at every refuelling
        Order Code      Description                                             Order Code      Description
        LQM3823         24pcs tray          Order Code      Description         LQM3028         24pcs tray
                                            LQM3824         24pcs tray          LQM1657         250ml

        SPEED ADDITIVE                      4T Bike-Additive                    2T Bike-Additive

        State-of-the-art, ash-free combination of agents   Increases engine performance. Removes deposits   Increases engine performance. Removes deposits
        with acceleration-enhancing, cleaning, dispersing   in the fuel system, on valves, spark plugs and in   in the fuel system and on intake and exhaust
        and material-protecting properties. The product   the combustion chamber and prevents renewed   ports and prevents new formation. Protects the
        has been formulated using state-of-the-art additive   formation. This also reduces fuel consumption.   entire fuel system from corrosion. Cat tested.
        and fuel technologies in accordance with the   Protects the entire fuel system from corrosion.   Clean engines need less fuel and reduce
        requirements of today’s engines, fuels and   Prevents carburetor icing. Cat tested.  emissions.
        running conditions. Ensures increased driving
        enjoyment due to optimized performance.   Intended use.                 Intended use.
        The engine starts easier and also runs smoother.  Add to fuel in all 4-cycle engines (carburetor   For all 2-cycle engines with mixed or separate
                                            and injection system). 125 ml suffi cient for 15   lubrication. One fi lling with the dispenser
        Intended use.                       to 20L fuel. Add every time you fi ll up.  (25 ml) is suffi cient for 5L fuel or fuel mixture.
        Added to the fuel of all 4-stroke and 2-stroke
        gasoline engines.                   Order Code      Description         Order Code      Description
                                            LQM1581         125ml               LQM1582         250ml
        Order Code      Description
        LQM3040         150ml


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