Page 163 - 2021_Off_Road_Issue_2
P. 163

LONG VENT TUBES  ALLOY FUEL VENT TUBES                       Foam Guard

 Replacement fuel vent tubes in   One way valve for preventing fuel back flow from the fuel tank in the event of a   This versatile foam block can be attached to parts of off-road bikes
 OEM colour. Inline one-way valve   fall.  Keeps the fuel tank air ventilated, but does not let fuel out.  (such as radiators) to prevent build up and sticking of mud and sand.
 pipe prevents fuel spillage.                                 Foam can be cut out to any required shape and size, simply fix with
 use on all modern MX, Enduro and   Order Code       Description  cable ties. Size: 33x33x4cm
 Trials bikes.  FCX06             Fuel cap vent valve card 10
                    (3 x Black, 2 x Silver, 2 x Red, 2 x Blue, 1 x Green)  Order Code: FOA008
 • 360mm Long
 • 1 Way Valve to stop fuel from spilling
 • Six different OEM colours
 • Universal Fitment

        GP-PRO SPOKE SHrOUDS                                                    FORK SEAL SAVER SCRAPER

        Spoke shrouds are a cheap way of making                                 Most off road riders are faced with leaky fork
        your old wheels look like new again!!                                   seals a few times a year from dirt working up
        Spoke shrouds are pre-cut to fit 90% of all                             into a fork seal. However, this tool quickly and
        bikes. Minimal trimming will be necessary.                              easily repairs a leaky fork seal at the track or
        GP Pro spoke shrouds are durable, long                                  on the trail.
        lasting covers for your dirt bike’s front and
        rear spokes. GP Pro spoke shrouds come                                  Order Code      Colour
        in a wide variety of colors.                                            FKSSVR04       Blue
                                                                                FKSSVR08       Green
        Easy installation: GP Pro spoke shrouds can                             FKSSVR12       Orange
        be installed in less than an hour without                               FKSSVR16      Red
        removing your wheels from your bike.

        Order Code:           Description
        SPKSHR21BLK     21” (21cm) Black
        SPKSHR21BU       21” (21cm) Blue
        SPKSHR21GN      21” (21cm) Green
        SPKSHR21OR      21” (21cm) Orange
        SPKSHR21R         21” (21cm) Red
        SPKSHR21WH      21” (21cm) White
        SPKSHR21Y         21” (21cm) Yellow
        SPKSHR18BLK    17” 18” 19” (18cm) Black
        SPKSHR18BU      17” 18” 19” (18cm) Blue
        SPKSHR18GN      17” 18” 19” (18cm) Green
        SPKSHR18OR      17” 18” 19” (18cm) Orange
        SPKSHR18R         17” 18” 19” (18cm) Red
        SPKSHR18WH     17” 18” 19” (18cm) White
        SPKSHR18Y         17” 18” 19” (18cm) Yellow
        SPKSHR15BLK    12” 14” 16” (15cm) Black
        SPKSHR15BU       12” 14” 16” (15cm) Blue
        SPKSHR15GN      12” 14” 16” (15cm) Green
        SPKSHR15OR      12” 14” 16” (15cm) Orange
        SPKSHR15R         12” 14” 16” (15cm) Red
        SPKSHR15WH      12” 14” 16” (15cm) White
        SPKSHR15Y          12” 14” 16” (15cm) Yellow

  -  Tel: +44 (0) 2380 658700
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